

Against the odds
What can you do when the odds are against you?
The only thing you can do is ask God to defend you.
To the ones that offend you or the ones that befriend you.
To the ones that are a blessing, to ones that pretend to.
The Lord is my shield, I’m alive because of his protection.
When I almost lost my life, God gave me spiritual direction.
Even when I made mistakes he pruned me of my imperfection.
He nurtured my spirit back to life through Christ’s resurrection.
In a world where people loot and steal, shoot for thrills,
Family sue for bills, when everything is temporary, including life itself and that’s the truth for real.
Then what are we really living for? Especially if the odds are against you because you’re living poor.
Even if I gave everything I had, I still ask myself, could I have given more?
People come in and out of your life like a revolving door.
If you push back bringing force to opposition, it’s adversity.
Sometimes my strength is not enough, the pressure feels as if it’s hurting me.
I hear God speaking to my spirit, telling me to rely on his strength and might.
When the odds are against me, he reminds me that it’s not my battle, rather, his to fight.
The enemy cast his arrows, aiming at my mind, inasmuch my thoughts are now a battlefield.
The armor of God are greater than the odds, his salvation is my shield.
If God be for me, who can be against me? For nothing can prevail the power of The Most High.
I’m never defenseless, God as my witness, against the odds his will is relentless.
© Isaiah Daniel McCowan