

I don't know if it's possible to fall more in love with her.
But if it is then I definitely did

I know I alredy said it
but I can't get over it.
Whenever you do this I want to kiss you on the lips.

It makes me feel heavenly
when you flirt with me.
It's not even flirting it's just complimenting but,still feels good.

When I think back to it I'm still blushing from it.
And if I tell you this,you just text
me 'don't let anyone see'.
I just say 'nobody's watching me'

If it's possible to fall more
in love with you then
I do every second we're talking.

It's hard to response with
anything when I'm stuttering.
I love it when you compliment me,
It's the best feeling I've ever felt.

Watching the countryside go by.
Having hopes to see it with you
resting you're head on my shoulder.
Peacfully sleeping on it maybe.

© Tortise