

Explanation not Exaggeration
Now it's time I begin my transformation
Major factor to guarantee success is my dedication
I don't need any confirmation from those who don't relate
I'll alienate myself before I succumb to being fake
Let me relay to you some factual information
Going in depth on the subject will help validify my speculation
Concentrate and pay close attention to what I say
It is not a conspiracy what goes on this day and age
The priority of our enemy is production of corruption
Segregation and One World Government
I'd rather not be, part of that community
So much evil infiltration in conception of our children,
Who are the future
Too many unfortunately born into the most unfathomable situations,
Comparable to mutilation,
Our nation has no limitation on their manipulations
How can such things be?
Its complete nonsense that these days recreation,
Receives more dedication, than our seeds education
Talk about monstrosity, 
Impatient parents overlook molestation of their babies
Or worse, they're guilty of perpetration,
Of their own creation and the only thing
That comes from that equation is devastation
It's become the way the world is, see?
Almost seems contagious, in the air maybe?
Outrageous I know but it curses the blood,
Creating on earth, once more, abominations
What if anything do you think can change this?
Revelations the wraths of God and his trials and tribulations
I feel him coming, I have inner notifications
Until that long awaited day draws near,
I will continue my writing
Praying someone hears the words that inspire me,
Though they cause many tears

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written September 2014