

Better Off Dead!!!
In that darkness is where your mind takes you!
You had thought and hoped happiness would finally break through!
At a point now with no idea of what to do!

You’re a lost cause without a clue!
Things in the past wishing you could undo!
Need a fresh start to begin anew!

But every happy moment your mind steals and those feelings it will subdue!
Every thought in your head you can’t construe!
All these negative thoughts bouncing around in your head like a wild kangaroo!

Every single time you think your mind tells you things that people say are untrue!
Those feelings are like taboo!
Though you wish to believe those positive thoughts your mind says every single negative thing to you is true!

It tells you to abandon any amount of you hope you once had!
This depression in your mind makes you always feel so sad!
All these thoughts of feeling better off if you never existed getting so bad!

Always feeling like if you just disappeared one day everyone would be glad!
Is your mind making you go insanely mad?
Always feeling as though to this world there’s nothing left for you to add!

In your mind you hear every single nasty word they’ve ever said!
People keep telling it’s ok this is all just in your head!
They don’t understand how you always wish to not wake up everytime you go to bed!

They don’t see how you’re barely hanging on by a thread!
Living everyday with this feeling of worthlessness this utter dread!
You’re always alone in that darkness with no way out with the only thought being you’re better off dead!
© BDawg90