

When you are in pain
When you sees no gain
When you want to do many things
But you can't do anything
So,if you want to give your life a pace
Then,have a smile on the face.

Smile fetch nothing solely
But ,it is like a hope
When there countless difficulties
And you want to cope
So,if you want take stress less
Then,have a smile on the face.

Smile steers people crazy
When person ponder you are lazy
There insight is that you are hazy
Smiling face ,makes yourself lively
So,if you want bad experiences to erase
Then,have a smile on the face

Always recall creation of spider wave
How can a tiny spider so brave
So when in life you feel down
Be vivacious and how crown 👑
So,if you want playing card ACE
Then,have a smile on the face.

Remember hassles are forever in life
You have to be a person who can wipe.
Be a person who is creative.
Have a passion and be innovative
So,when u want to proffer life a grace.

Please,have have a SMILE on the face.
© @Yash Raj