

I, the fool Prometheus (a letter)
I'm sorry. I thought that I could just be your friend. I can't see you, hear you or think about you without dreaming of things that are not. "If you love something, let it go..." I want you to be happy and have someone that completes you. If I did not want this for you, I could not say that I love you; but, I can't even fathom you in someone else's arms and someone else in your heart. I'm hopelessly romantic, over dramatic, chickenshit and, as of late, I'm a liar... you don't need those things in your life. I'm sorry I wasn't created a little better functional and capable of healing from you so soon. You are the fire in the hearth of Heaven and I, the fool Prometheus, tried to steal you and, for that, shall suffer ever after. God bless you in all that you do!

© Michael Paul Reed