

In 2022, we saw the world in strife
With wars and rumors of wars throughout life
But still, we held on with all of our might
Hoping for a brighter future, a guiding light

The pandemic raged on, taking its toll
Leaving hearts heavy, minds on parole
Families torn apart, loved ones gone
The pain, it seemed, would last long

But then, a glimmer of hope appeared
A vaccine found, the end of the year neared
We worked to heal, to mend what was broken
To find joy in the moments, however awoken

And as the year came to a close
We found strength in those we chose
To lift us up, to help us see
The beauty in the world, the possibility

So let us hold on to that hope with grace
For a new year brings a new place
To love and grow, to mend and thrive
In 2023, let us all come alive