

Still trying to understand the meaning of life
we can't always get things done the way we want to, that nature and it unfair, life wouldn't give you everything you wish for
Have been trying so hard to understand the meaning of life but don't seem to get it
Some things are bound to happen
Sometimes it's not worth it but sometimes it is
Life has it own trials
Many of us wish to be successful without going through any difficulties in life but the principles of life doesn't operate like that
If life had given us the chance to do something, things that we wish we could change
What if life had given us all that we yearn to be?
What if life had been fair to each one of us ?
Waking up early in the morning with all the questions in our heads
Going to bed late at night with all the what ifs' not answered
If life was fair to the rich then they should have been on street jubilating, showing off their wealth and having fun but they don't the poor intend doing all of that
The rich goes to bed with an unsound mind keeping an eye over his property because he is very much aware that someone needs all that he has to survive this what makes life interesting I guess
When the wind of change is blowing embrace it with all the good things that comes with it
© Senatral