

the button that keeps being pressed.
tomorrow when I push the power button on my laptop a small death will occur, as a symbolic ritual I will perform the tasks necessary of me, to serve all around talk to others that feels the same.

It’s like a little secret we all hold
those who are in this wheel of routine
rat-race of an office life...

It’s strange I earn my living moving numbers, items and sharing screens on a laptop each day until I again 8 hours or so later I push the power button again to end my day.

Hope this feeling of death comes a bit stronger, if it doesen't, I may just stick with it for 30 years more until life itself pushes the off-button on, me.

I hope the dread grows larger, as I may summon my last efforts of energy to make a change, even so little, so until one day I may push on life buttons instead...

© staxxx