

Love's mystical,
Has sent me seeking
The unknown, unexplored,
I've voyaged in spaces,
Vales of living,
And mounts of existence,
I've traversed thickets of fears,
Sailed through seas of tears,
Searching for you.
My Quest!

In times my candle has brightened,
Grown dreary,
And went lifeless
The delicate flame
To uncaring wind condemned,
You have been to me,
A single minute grain,
Ensconced in a sky of sand,

And now, love-like,
Mysteriously in this dumb twilight,
I've stumbled on you
Tell me this is it they say,
It was meant to be!
But now in mine pitiable epitome,
I've brought you no gold
I've come to talk to you, say to you - I LOVE YOU!
That is only loving I have for you!

© magnificent_pen
