

leaving not giving an impression
We do too much trying to give an impression than leaving one, we pay too much attention to the physical part of ourselves and starve our mental and spiritual parts, we dwell so much on negatives that when something positive comes, it is as like it's unattainable, we are abused in our minds that who we are most be evaluated by what we can physically relate with only and other parts are irrelevant, we build the right house with the wrong clay.
Think about you again
If you have faulted in leaving an impression than giving one.You give impression when you are intentional about what you are, sometimes it is limiting, to dress and be addressed in the manner, but leaving an impression has to do with your sense of humanity, when last did you leave foot print in someone's heart-way? Are you going to be remembered as a doctor who was kind or just a doctor? are you just going to be "the friend" with no extra? Stop giving impressions please rather leave impressions of positive energy in people lives, they may forget your name,your face, your profession but no one forgets a humane gesture no matter how little.
Lending a helping hand is not only limited to money, leaving an impression is not limited to who we know, being humane is not for the favors we intend to get in return.
It's leaving an impression on the minds and hearts of people we meet daily, rather than rubbing what we have become in for show,we should show them who we are, the change we need should start from our very intention to pay attention to all of the parts that make us human and channeling our energy to becoming better.