

Once Hungey
Remembrance of your fuzzy fur
Your black and white pattern
When I rubbed your little head you purred
When I called you name you came
I called again
You never returned
Until the next morning I see you
Hungry, so I forgave you
My duty to watch over you
How can I do that went your gone
It´s been 2 days now
I´m up at night wondering
When will you get hungry again
Looking at me with those grey eyes
You seem lost in them
I buy more food
Ready to feed you
I called again
Waiting for that delicate sound of your arrival
But it never came
It´s been more than 2 days
It´s been two years
My tears fell like glass
Are you still here?
Are you still hungry?
Let me rub you belly
The past is heavy
With hunger

© Vivid e_blue