

My mom is a superwoman
She does everything
That she can,
Right up from the morning
Till the night.

She cooks & clean
She feeds her kids
And when she is stills
In pain,
She stills do chores,
All that with a smile

She helps kids with their
homework art & craft
She loved me
Right from the start.

She loves her kids
She prays for their well-being
She sacrifices her dreams
She bears all the pain with
A smile,
In her embrace you will
find warmth that will protect
You from all the harm.

She stitches clothes for
My dolls, plays with my
Barbies too,
She weaves my long
Thick hair like dreams
For my morning school.

She guides me
Nurtures me and
Loves me endlessly too,
And I know
She will always be my side

My mother is a lifelong friend
A guide,
A protector & a best friend too.
She is indeed a blessing
That is sent from the heaven abode.

© alpha stella