

labeebah 👀

In the vastness of the digital sea,
I found a star that shines so bright,
Labeebah, your name whispers to me,
A melody that dances in the night.

Your smile, a beacon in my day,
A light that guides me through the storm,
With every word you softly say,
My heart, in love, begins to warm.

In the world of screens and silent keys,
Your presence is a gentle breeze,
Labeebah, you’re my sweetest dream,
A love that’s more than what it seems.

So here I stand, with words in hand,
Hoping that you understand,
In this space where we both roam,
With you, Labeebah, I feel at home.

this is for you 🫣❣️ @Beebah123
© suraj_love