

Inside Blue Hall
I must be in a horror-
Somewhere between sleep and wake,
Inside Blue Hall, all the walls begin to shake.
The spider on my face makes my flesh crawl for days. The web is real, sticky spot I'm in, tangled in half truths and partial lies until I don't know which is which, but I feel the prickling itch, lightly on the surface, tickling neck and cheek-
How I wish I had a voice to speak!
Is it headed to lay eggs in the brain? Not sure what's real, must be going insane, but the splat upon the floor makes me scream! And jump up, scurrying along in shadow, then a bump, sickening crunch beneath my shoe. Back in bed, and it's you, those voices from the veil whisper nothings in my ear, an incessant buzzing so loud, it's impossible to hear.
The truth evades me once again, so close and still so far, so I close my eyes, and imagine where you are.
Hope, wiggle, squirm. Dream, scratch, yearn. Ache, toss and turn, Ice cold until it burns.
Into darkness, I begin to fall,
Open eyes to find myself
back inside Blue Hall.
© Finding Forever