

My Body
When your body doesn't do what its suppose to
It's the worst feeling in the world
But to you,
its the only feeling you knew
From the moment I was born
When i could finally breath
After they cut my inimical cord off my throat
I torn the linings of my lungs
What that mean is
Couldn't breath
To this day
I can't breath correctly
But none of my doctors believe me
They tell me
Its all in your head
The 5 words I have learned to dread
Doctor after doctor
They never agree
A thousand diagnoses
I will never feel free
I just want to know what is wrong with me
Why my body chooses to fight me
Rather then protect me
No I'm not drug seeking
I just want to know the cause of my chronic pain
I want to know why i am always sick
And the explanation of my laundry list of symptoms
I don't want your pity
I want you to look at me for more than you can see
I'm not alright
I want someone to tell me
Why I can't breath
What makes me feel so ill after meals
Why I feel faint everytime I stand up
What causes this pain
And why nothing seems to help anymore
My body doesn't do what its suppose to
And the most infuriating thing
Is you can't see it
I feel invisible
Like No one really cares
I'm just another patient
On just another day