

So True
This doctor E.S. she has narcissist down to the T. I sat back and watched as someone I mistakenly thought was my forever who pushed me away,then stalked me and said it was because I cheated when we never even dated,because HE DIDNT WANT TO. Then he RAN AND STARTED DATING A GIRL HE HAS A THING FOR SINCE SHE WAS 10. She was 7 years younger than her. He thought he was hurting ne and she thought she won a surprise. 4 years later they couldn't even stay together. They were so much the same. She wasn't even broken up with him for long but she already had a side giy she secretly was seeing. EVERYONE KNEW IT BUT HIM. So what E S. said is definitely true EVERY BIT OF IT. I have to say I should thank her. BETTER HER UNSTABLE,NEEDY ASS. Turns out he wasn't who I thought so I moved on. Do yourself a favor when you meet people like these two,you see red flags. They need attention and will stalk someone for the person they want and have no true identity. Run. If you think he's cute but all he does is drama,and lie and act creepy...tries to put you down...Run! he isn't worth it. Neither is she. In their eyes they did no wrong. Better to be single then settle for crap.
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