

Transition of a green flag

Why Green when l can be white
Finally, I'm raising my white flag.
I hope my absence will give you peace that my love couldn't
I’m not going back anymore.
I’m finding my happiness and people that deserve this love.
I deserve to be happy too.
You’ve been holding me
and hiding me from the world for all this time.
I just accepted the fact that you just needed me and didn't love me.
It's so painful but I realized that it's a lesson to learn and not a life to end.
l still love you but
l have to distance myself .
l continue the conversation in my head
which turns to dreaming about you until it all fades away,
the love remains but l let it sink
it’s such a crazy feeling when you feel the need to look external for love, but whenever l take a step back from that feeling , l realize l already have it and it’s so beautiful ,
Yes it may be self love but at the end of the day it's still love
We look for love, validation, and so much more outside of ourselves.
But never look within.
So why Green when I can be white