

My Truth, Your Lie
If I should die before I wake
I'd like you to die with me
But no matter what
You still choose someone else
Now it's your turn to chase me
I'm tired of running
Running after and for you
My love won't run out
But yours for me will
You texted your friend saying
"She is a person I hate so much I'd prefer to die than love her again'
But is that really true?
Would you actually rather die?
To spite me you'd say "yes"
Wouldn't you?
Never put yourself in my shoes
Was it too wet?
It dry?
Was it painful?
Maybe, but you wouldn't know..
I'll always be the one to stay attached
But I'm really trying to deattched
You don't know how much your words killed me
If words could hurt me physically
I'd be dead beyond repair
But you wouldn't know, right
If I could go back I'd change alot
But mostly when it comes to my love life ❤️
Heart broken several times
So I thought I'd do the same
But I accidentally hurt someone that I love(d) alot.
I'm sorry is all I can say.
No camera could picture us together
No artist can draw us closer
No machine could wash you out of my mind
Im in love and obsessed with someone who hates me
He tells me about his new girlfriend, but I don't care
Cuz I'm done with you
And all your antics
I'm done
Find another innocent doll to play "Break Your Heart" with
And I'm truly SORRY for that person, really sorry
She's dating a maniac
A monster
Bye ex-lover