

Bharat Desh
With the name of Bharat Desh on our lips.
let us shake off our fears and poverty.
and overcome our sorrows and enemies.
We shall stroll on the snow-clad silvery heights of the Himalayas.

Our ships shall sail across the high seas.

We shall set up schools-all sacred temples for us,
and proudly thump our shoulders and utter
the name of this land of ours, Bharat. With the name of Bharat Desh on our lips.
let us shake off our fears and poverty. We shall make tools and weapons.
We shall produce paper.
We shall open factories and schools.
We shall never be lazy or weary.
We shall be ever generous.
We shall always speak the truth.
With the name of Bharat Desh on our lips
let us shake off our fears and poverty. Both scriptures and sciences we shall learn.
the heavens and oceans we will explore; the mysteries of moon we shall unravel. the art of street-sweeping, too, we shall learn.
With the name of Bharat Desh on our lips.
let us shake off our fears and poverty
Tarranum#poem#writco app#