

Your future is in your hands 🙏🏽💯
Write a poem on how to do something mundane most people take for granted, such as how to tie your shoes, how to turn on a lamp, how to pour a cup of coffee.

In life, I've noticed that it's quite common to see people sitting around
or possibly waiting to wash a window for a bit of pay
What I've also seen is the smiles and joy that others share with one another
and it all begins with a sunny day
The point I'm tryna make is that
money isn't anything compared to love
because some may only realise how much of an effect something has on them once it's gone
Others realise that the love from above continuously remains strong
Love is all around
it just takes a bit of desire and passion to find what's true to you
*Together everyone achieves more*
So let's keep it that way
as we stand together as one
and push forward to see another tomorrow
Stay blessed everyone
© Amber24