

Dear Desks
Oh desks,
how much you've been through,
even though you haven't a clue,
you are like our second homes.

But we are unthankful.
We engrave your souls with our scissors,
we draw your faces with our pencils,
we hide our notes underneath you,
but we, we are still ungrateful.

Oh, dear desks,
you are putting up with random people,
since you became desks.
And the worst is,
you can't say anything.
How many times have you been dissatisfied,
and have said something?
How many times have you complained about something that bothered you?
The answer to the above is: none!

Oh dear desks, we don't deserve you.
You are so nice to us,
a support to our shoulders,
a place we can cry unhindered,
a place we are always welcomed,
but we,
we are ungrateful.
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(I'm sorry I know I'm being a little bit dramatic😅)