

Waking up in the midst of fear and anxiety
My heart keep questioning my soul
My faith as almost fade away in fear
All because I surrender to nature
Not the lord of nature

Always think with him all thing
Are perfect and good looking
Yet my soul keep wondering in fear
Just like the hunter who looses a bullet
Then prepared to be silent by lord of the forest

Over here quickly quickly quickly!!!
A voice sounded to my auditory channel
What and why are you whispering alone
In fear of nothing but nature
Stay here in silent with lord of nature

Oh! what a beautiful moment here
My heart and soul troubles not
Cause lord of nature silent the power of nature
Then manifest It supremacy over fear
Anxiety, lack even diseases

I am always with you
Even in the midst of so many phobias
Only if you can whisper or proclaim
Lord of nature to your surrounding
Then feel free from fear, failure and anxiety

I perfect all the imperfection
Give life to the dead ones
And restore health back in full
Only wondering while human run
To nature instead of Lord of nature

Wait! illness, lack, death, fear and anxiety
Over here, a little message to you all
Go ye into every castle and manifest yourselves
Take as many that follow you home
Spare no one who obey nature

Joy, love,peace and good health
I will withhold here with me
Cause when weariness tossed ye
Ye will come my way and I shall save thee
And accept thee and favour thee

By Shola Optimist