

Queen of Oyo kingdom
Her royal Majesty, Queen of Oyo Kingdom. You have a secret magic that make your people expecially the princess radiance in perfection.

please tell, I will like to know more about Oyo kingdom. that great empire in-between the black land. where your majesticalistic movement with a smile cause the wind to dance.

So tell me, I know the Queen can open the historical encyclopedia to reveal the magic behind herself and her people.

Oh, in response it's a smile?

Mmmm, yea, it's then mean that there is something great which is like a secret in Her Royal Majesty beauty that has Ancestral DNA from her kingdom.

And as she try to make a lip up so that we can know and grab the secret charm from her chamber pot.

Behold, a boistorous smile weld out like a coming of the moon from it distance chamber.

And the more I look, the more I can become certain without the word from her royal Majesty still, that in conclusion a smile is that magic charm welded the environment and soul of the maiden and everyone in her kingdom.

That endless smile is so potent than a force that come from Mediterranean sea.

And that very nature gift (smile) is embedded right inside her vein and whenever she up lip, the radiant of it beam the universe.

Congratulations for sending your smile our way.
You caused it.
Just for being a Queen!