

Santa Clauss...
I always knew Santa Doesn't exist
If he was real I would've had the gifts I wished for
He could give me presents but it would've been of no avail
All I wanted was possible ... if he was a magician or some sort of angel sent of God.
All normal kids want expensive things.
But what if the kid doesn't look normal?
What if she looks different,unique for a bad reason.
Due to lack of luck at birth.
If only plastic surgery was possible to make you look like everyone else,alas it's not... you can look better but it is not forever meant.
To all the kids out there: Santa Claus has Never existed,he is a myth,thank your parents for all your belongings
P.S. this is written by an anti believer of fairytales and former child,everyone used to say that I was an idiot for not trusting beautiful,romantic,impossibly wondrous stories for kids but I was right...

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