

We all are swept in a haze,

Seamlessly walking in the stench of a craze,

A bitter fox that has overtaken our hearts,

Young and old, gripped by its darts,

We all are, caught in its daily award show,

A fickle contest to see whose looks is the best in tow,

Dresses and makeup taken and applied with such expertise,

Suits and cosmetics used to the bend of their knees,

A social media stunt, a never ending run,

A journey, that seems to have no end in its gun,

An Olympics in itself, participants, willing and unwillingly,

Go with the start of the gun, a race that emptiness is in its hull,

A girl's pain throttles as she sags in the run,

Her body, a distortion to their expectation,

Her eyes cast shadows over her dark disposition,

Her hair untamable, thick tendrils unwanted,

Her lips are thin and cracked, the lowest in the crescendo of hunted,

Her body is a rumbling jack, too big to the others,

A dirt on their plaque of the fonder,

She falls off and gets back in line,

With the others that have given up on this wilting pine,

Her insides hollow as she watches the rest,

A beauty they carry, that taints the love in her nest,

But a man once comes to her,

Tells her to look within the cages of her,

A blinding light that shines in the form of a good deed,

A colonel that stands in the grace of a good heed,

She looks from the race, millons still lost in thought,

Backsliding from her former daze as she pushed past the lot,

A light in her heart grows from its embers,

A Phoenix rising from black ashes,

She leads others from heaps of sorrow,

Lending help to the ones in the hollows,

An ethereal grace that gleams in her every waltz,

Transforming her and the people in her daily watch,

A beauty that goes beyond the physical,

A fact that stands in the stead of the mythical,

Although looks can be greatly appreciated,

Features that should be greatly loved,

But they will fade, beauty to ashes,

A thriving fire forgotten to embers,

But in true beauty, a beacon that shines brighter,

An eternal reckon that can not go asunder,

Should never be left out of mind,

Because in it, our God truly shines,

A beauty in himself,

A radiance of love in his self.

I want to thank God for giving me the Grace to write this. So, how was it?

© No works of mine should be published without my permission