

Surprises and Laughter
Everyone has their own idea of their happily ever after
but mines more like a beautiful disaster
no I don't care much for planning life from chapter to chapter
I much more prefer spur of the moment, surprises and laughter
you might think that's not responsible but it's ok that don't matter
what's important are the bonds we make,the love we give and the memories we take because those are the things that create your happily ever after
its not about how much money you make or who's car drives faster
try not to dwell on the broken dreams and lost love that will only make you feel like your heart might shatter
at the time I know it feels like your life is over and you'll never get past it but before you know it you'll even forget wait what's his name.... oh ya that stupid bastard
so please even when life is full of chaos and seems a little scattered don't forget amidst all the most wonderful happily ever afters will be some of the most beautiful disasters.

© yes