

My Story: From Father to Son
Let me tell you my story,
That didn't have any purpose or glory.
It feels like it's been a year,
Because my memory became so unclear.

I had written my story,
Either in the paper or in an inventory,
Let me search for it,
As you know, I'll never quit.

Maybe someone else will tell you my story,
Will someone write it down in history?
Maybe it'll become a ballad,
Then, you'll understand how many people were invalid.

Definitely, you'll enjoy my story,
Just like you enjoyed 'Finding Dory'.
You'll get to know so many things,
From all my virtues to my sins.

Alas! I couldn't find my story,
Son, please don't ignore me.
You're the apple of my eye,
I just want to bid you goodbye.

Son, I know you'll find my story,
After all, I left you, and I'm sorry.
You know how many times I have tried, tried, tried,
I know you cried so much on that day when I died...............
© Avish

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