

​An end to the golden Era...I would say.
These 15 years have much to say
The memories we have knitted across the lane
promised to stay with us in the longing days.
How these beautiful years flew by with a rapid velocity.
That morning Habit of meeting friend
would cease to an end.
How that enthusiastic tiffin break would
not be cherished more.
That 'gooooddd morning teacher' song will
genuinely be missed.
That request for Games period during the
free period will be missed.
Those mega birthday celebrations will remain as a
Memory down the lane.
Those dearest and kindest teachers
will be missed.
Those long sweaty morning assembly will be missed badly.
The love and care the teachers showered upon us
Will never be equalized.
Those breathtaking fear before the results will stay
as a Memory.
That awful smell of H2S gas...Will be missed badly
Those old damped rooms will store bundles of memories..
Those new buildings will still remain unrevealed...
A final Goodbye to this great institution..I would say..
An end to the golden Era..I would say..
These 15 years have much to say...

© Dishari