

Bird Of Less Feathers Part 3
The bird of less feathers, so fragile and small,
Struggles to fly high, no matter how tall;
Though it has fewer feathers, its courage is strong,
And it strives for a better future, though it may take long.

It battles against the wind and fights the rain,
The world may seem cruel, but it still remains;
It never gives up, despite its lack of plumes,
It keeps its head high, despite its blues.

The bird of less feathers, so brave and divine,
Will never give up, no matter the time;
Though the odds may be stacked against it,
it never stops dreaming,
It will soar higher and higher,
with its strength and courage beaming.

The bird of less feathers, so fragile and small,
Dreams of a brighter future, but it fades away with the fall;
The sky is too high, the world too cruel,
And the bird of less feathers remains unfulfilled.

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