

Starlight Serenade
Stars align in celestial rhyme,
A symphony of light, a cosmic chime,
In the velvet expanse, a melody divine,
Echoes of wonder, a heart's valentine.

Silent whispers in the lunar breeze,
A gentle lullaby, the stars' soft ease,
Dreams unfold like petals of a rose in peace,
In the stillness, a heart's deepest release.

In the starry tapestry, a story's spun,
Of love and magic, forever begun,
A celestial ballet, a dance of light,
In the darkness, a radiant beacon bright.

In the starlight serenade, we find our way,
Through the vast unknown, a guiding ray,
Illuminating paths, through life's plodding gray,
To the beauty and wonder, that's always in play.

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