

We only have today.
What is life, what is it really? maybe its the way our hearts beat or the way the sun shines down on a cold fall day. Maybe its running with other kids playing tag or a newborn baby coming into this world crying. We dont know what life is. It has many definitions. We waste it all the time weather its working late or stressing because you dont know how youre going to pay the bills this month. Or watching tv. My point is, is this how we want to spend our lives, doing things that wont matter in one year. Do the things that will matter to you for years. But some of us only have today. You might have 10 years, you might only have one, or you have only today. Take the chance while you still have the opportunity. Go on that date, tell them how you feel, finish that book, have adventures, travel to the places you want to go. For it might be too late to wait another day. Life is unexpected, no one knows what is going to happen, not in a year, a month, not even tomorrow. We only have today, so make it count before its too late.
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