

Broken Vows

In the rubble of shattered promises, we stand Apart, two souls once intertwined now ripped apart. The echoes of 'I do' lingering in the air Like a haunting melody of despair. Our love, once a flame burning bright. Now extinguished, lost in the dead of night. Divorce, a bitter pill that we must swallow, Our hearts broken, foo wounded to follow. The dreams we shared, now shattered and forn, A love once fierce, now battered and worn. Yet in the rubble, there lingers a spark Of what once was, still glowing in the dark. Though we must part ways, forever changed, The memory of our love will always remain. A chapter closed, a story left untold, A bond once strong, now growing cold. Divorces, a painful end to a once beautiful tale, A love now lost, forever to bewail
© kannima