

it must be so damaging
for your reputation
in this small town
for me to go around
after what you did and tell my friends about it
it must hurt you so bad
your mom and dad
didn't question it when the
accusation came.out
it must be hard when your windows are broken .
and you don't call the cops because it's a token of what you did to me .

but none of that hurts like what you did , because when I told my friends what happened they told me what a good guy you were.
how I dressed like I wanted it
that I acted like I wanted it
and I'm so sick of hearing your name around the town I grew up in
because you aren't a good guy
I've been trying to scrub myself clean of you and I can't .
and I've been trying to have someone love me but when they go to hug me sometimes I flinch because that's what you did.

but your a good guy right
and that's why you did it
that's why you could tell me how drunk I was the next morning
that's why I'm here crying
that's why I think no one will ever truly love me
that's why I feel so fucking dirty
that's how you hurt me
but you're a good guy, and they were good friends , but in the end we you and I know the truth .
I know what happened now
and so do you
even though you call me a crazy bitch
I'll never be a rapist
like you
© Emiben3255