

barbie girl
just laying in bed thinking about all the good things in my life.
i dont know why people have to take that away, i dont know why i listen to what they say.
They say "one day youll bring home a nice boy for us to meet. youll marry him and make us happy" what if i dont want that? what if instead i find myself a husband i just tell you that i want my barbie.
i dont want to dress up for him, i dont want to cook dinner for him.
im always telling you that i dont want a husband but all you say is "oh silly girl. if you domt want a husband dont have a husband. all i want is my grandchildren"
what if i cant give you the things you want?
will you still want me as your daughter?
i tell you that when i grow up i want you to understand me when i say i want my barbie.
you buy me a barbie doll.
thats not the girl i want.
i want a girl! strong and not like the others
i want a girl to love me and hild me when days are down
i want a girl.
i dont want ken
i want barbie
so tell me now please tell me how.
how do you not understand that all i want more than a toy is for barbie to love me back?
© claire
my lesbian love story.
i dont think you know but im a lesbian, i havent had the courage to come out to my parents yet im looking for suppourt to tell them and i hope that this poem will give me inspration to do it.
have a nice day❣