

I didn't ask for technology
I was a ten year old chubby kid
Who played with his shadows a lot,
Who liked to drench in the summer rain
and chase snails on the wet mud.
who loved to make magical potions
mixing all his mother's makeup,
and build boats from old yellow
newspapers that could float forever.

One day, I come back from school
as I enter my room, I see a computer.
Shiny and white, a technological marvel.
I spent hours on it,
games that I could never play outside.
Then came the smart phones, the internet , the porn, the social media.

As I grew older, technology took over.
I don't have shadows anymore, I have contacts.
I don't go out in the rain anymore, I have learned to read the forecast.
I don't chase snails anymore, I watch them on the television.
I don't make potions anymore, I buy them online.

What happened to me? I was exciting, energetic and raw. Now, I am informed, opiniated and dull.

See, it's raining outside...
Shit, I have a notification...

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