

True Self
Reality is relative,
Our choice of belief influences our perception of what's real or not.
Often times, you become free to be your true self
After you have "destroyed your reputation" and become your character, your true self...
But we are cowards, so we live freely outside,
And climb into the closet when we get home...
Zone out till we get out,
So that they may not know who we are...
Our many messed up sides,
The pains we have gone through,
Or the things that truly make us happy.
I love us all, everyone...
Even the sober one who is anxious,
But for now, i choose to be the dizzy angel...
Play with fire, climb heavens and climax joy,
Until my Golden Crown and Pot of Gold anchors at my river port,
And maybe Poseidon will leave his handsome son too...

© A. S. Adaora