

Happy Birthday
While in a moving vehicle
The sun hits her skin
As she looks back to where she have been
Realizing the day could sprout another debacle

With a peace of drive
She hits the ground with trudges
As her mind stumbles about life
A year is added to her badges
But growth is added like a turtle's moves
Still stucked with a desire for grooves
And in the comfort of fettering roofs

She stomps while moved by discomfort
Coming from thinned insole
Thinking how she can abort
The penury pinned by mole
Or the ideas printed by manipulator
As she continued aiming to soar

She is about to grasp the steering wheel
While the insole spits the process she have been through
She drives thanking her woe
As here are the masses embracing her still
Like a refurbished shoes and vehicle
Fortified to conquer

© AphroVen