

Shenanigans Aplenty!

Who tracked mud through the carpet?
With little bitty shoes?

Who used all the toilet paper?
And cellophaned the toilet too?

Who broke all the eggs?
Who ate all the food?

Who took my shoelaces?
Who's shoes smell like poo?

He sneaks around on shamrocks
leaving chaos wherever he goes.
Where he goes next?
Nobody knows.

With shillelagh in hand and
twinkle in his eyes,
he puffs on his pipe,
not once but twice!

He guards his gold
at rainbows end
and in the meantime
let the shenanigans begin!

So lock up your dryer and
lock it up tight!
This leprechaun is in the mood
for socks tonight!

Shamrocks and shenanigans
throughout the night.
He laughs and chuckles
then "POOF"
out of sight!
© Morgan West