

If I was a song would you listen to me? Do you care about me? Do you have feelings for me? Can You Live Without me? Can you live with me? Can you lift my spirits? Are you feeling drowsy? Can you test my patients? Can your love surround me? Will you ever doubt me? Do you think about me when you're feeling lousy? Do you ever get mad? You ever waste time? You ever read a letter? Put it down then picked it up to read it again? Do you sin a lot? Do you believe in sin? Do you fear god? Do you believe in him? You ever felt alone? Is the time you spent gone? Can you get it back? Do you need to relax? Does your mind race? What do you contemplate? What do you do when you're sad? What about when you're happy? Does it take time to relate? How long would you wait? Wait on what? Is that what you think? Have you ever failed? Ever lied? Told someone how you feel inside? You ever stole? You ever cry? You ever made up you're mind? Ever change your mind? Ever blame your mind? You ever feel depressed? Are you stressed out? Is your life a blessing? Do you wanna know what's next? Are you pure at heart? Do you mean well? Does your dreams reflect your actions? Are you proud of who you have become? Are you numb? Do you follow your heart? Do you wonder where it will lead you? Do you see yourself a success? Do you like people? Do you know what evil is? Have you ever seen it? Do you think about the past? Have you ever been deceiving? You ever been afraid? Have you ever been brave? Are you true to yourself? Have you ever been truly yourself? What do they think about me? Is that what you ask yourself? Are you proud of yourself? Are you selfish? What do you think of yourself? Have you ever done drugs? Would you take it back? Ever took a backseat for things you love? Did you think of that? Ever been to jail before? Ever been sore from laying on a floor? Did you ask for a softer mat? Did you call your mom? Did your family miss you? Are you loved by many? Did they look pass the issues? Did you cry in court? Did you get a tissue? Did you go to sordid places knowing your family missed you? You ever used a needle? Ever snort a pill? Ever roll up a bill to change the way you feel? You ever smoke a pipe? You ever missed your kids? If your live was a movie would you watch and cringe? Ever pawned your stuff? Did you ever get it out? Ever been bonded out? Ever sit in a house? Or lay in a bed? Wishing you were dead? Did you ever figure it out? Do you have a purpose? Is your life worth it? Did you burn bridges? Did you touch the furnace? Are you better now? When you speak how do you sound? Can you help another person out? Can you sleep at night? Are you ok? Do they care about you? I wonder how they feel about you? Are they mad at me? I wonder when they laugh if it's at me? Why are you afraid right now? Am I in the wrong? Will I ever meet my daughter? Do I act like my father? Why am I so alone? Why do I never feel at home? Even when I'm at home? Should I ask for help? Could they even help me? I think I think to much. That's not a question. Well do you think I think to much? Why am I stressin? Have I learned my lesson? Why can't I sleep at night? Why's my dreams a fright? Why can't I see the light? Is darkness healthy? Maybe if I was wealthy? Would it be as bad? Can money buy happiness? They could in the dreams I had. Are you happy to be alive? I guess so but death would make up my mind. Do you ever miss the old you? How many people out there truly know you? How many people know the things you did? The stuff you said the shit you hid? The life you lived? Or the lie you lived? Is it because you love me? Do you expect to much from me?