

It seems, that we, can all, come together, for only, on this, one special night, in three hundred and sixty five days, from our living, from our breathing, from or working, in the four corners, of the globe, as we, all represent, such diverse, different races, such diverse, different religions, but we, all come from, one land, that is surrounded, by mighty oceans and  seperated, by distance, yet, even though, we have, never met, I consider you, a friend, for on this time, of the year, we give, of our time, to each other, a helpful hand, in putting away, our petty differences, our petty wars, our petty and busy lives, as we unite, in one race, the human race, where there is, no difference, of anything, from you, or I, living in, one nation, under God, to celebrate his birth.

So now, why is it, that we, on any other day, have to be, at war, have to be divided, have to be stressed, have to live, in conflicts, that are, so stupid and we, cannot have, a common ground, a passionate soul, a loving heart, for I wish, that everyday, could be like, Christmas Day, to give, everyday away, not only, in our words and actions, but daily, to bow our heads and pray, that everyone, can see, through each other, that you can, practice what you preach, in those, you might find, as your neighbors and friends and strangers, that you reach, that we, can live, in a world, of peace and harmony, united under God.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs