

A Global Pause
A mysterious force, swept across the earth
A virus spread, and a new reality birth
Nation's borders, closed and locked down tight
As humanity, faced a shared plight

The world united, in a common fear
As economies faltered, and tears appeared
But in the stillness, a glimmer shone bright
A global resilience, a beacon in flight

From east to west, a collective cry
Echoed through streets, a desperate sigh
For a cure, a solution, a way to be free
From the grip of Corona, a world in misery

But even in darkness, a light did gleam
A global solidarity, a dream
Of a world united, in a shared humanity
Where love and kindness, would forever be

The world weathered, the stormy night
And emerged stronger, in a new light
With a newfound appreciation, for life's grace
And a global bond, that will forever embrace.


© Haiza.