

good man kill bitches
He's a good man
a bad trajedy, I don't know how to
not love the way kindness
widens his cheeks
till there are crinkles beside his eyes
When he smiles, the world stops and stares
Like I do, with flowers and butterflies
my hands strain to hold him just once
to know the texture of his happiness
to grasp it in between my palms

He's a good man
a bad omen, my world was upside down
but atleast the pain was familiar
Atleast I was friends with the failure,
but he built me up and threw me in a war
with myself
now i'm all shielded, and there's nothing holding me back
Now with him by my side, the world seems like a better place

He's a good man
a bad realization, I see how I messed it up
I mistook his politeness for love
I judged his kind nature as something else how stupid of me to think,
he'd ever stay back with me forever

He's a good man, but he's not mine to call
He's a good man, way too good for me
I'd be crazy to ever fall and get my heart broken
over him...


© poisonous_ivy
© nervous_system