

Where should I be, where do I belong...where do I fit in, where have I gone.
Wanting to be noticed, wanting to be seen...wanting to be loved is what I dream.
I'm growing older and my time is running out...my fairytale is fading without a doubt.
Everyone should have someone and a purpose in life...but I'm nobody's nothing not even somebody's wife.
Will I always walk my journey with no one at my side...they say there is someone for everyone but I feel they lied.
Where is my soulmate how long must I wait...or is a lonely soul my only fate.
I've made some bad choices and hurt people along the way...but loneliness is a high price to pay.
If someone would just listen I'm crying out in pain...loneliness is killing me and driving me insane.
Here on earth than to face the unknown...I don't want to die feeling empty and alone.

© Lostinlife69