

Talking to the Dark
So part 2
my night has ended, fears not mended
playing music on repeat
while I'm trying to rhyme to the beat
something to soothe the burns
like peace is an achievement earned
like relaxation is a permanent fixation
than an obvious right
I think the word was obligation
don't mind my grammar, I'm tired
standard regulation misfit
always getting his wings clipped
bothering my friends in the middle of the night
having all the loneliness welling up in this paper towel
which is why I turn to this page and fill it up pointless vowels
not really saying anything
just wanting to talk and have someone listen
but it's only my phone
not a real person
yay technology
what a catastrophe
It's four in the morning now
and I don't know how
how am I going to function tomorrow
well today I guess
my boss is away and common sense says to call out
but we're shorthanded already
so I shouldn't let restlessness stump me
though the activities surrounding my life outside of work
are detrimental
I put so much work into getting better but I'm deteriorating on my own
so needy and clingy
afraid of being alone in my own head
never leaving my bed
feeling so full of dread
not wanting to die but yet still feeling so dead
someone liven up my eyes
bring some shine to my skin
touch up my blueish hue
remind me what happiness truly is
show me comfortability
bring me somewhere better than this:
laying in the dark
letting the t.v. light be voices in the night
to comfort the 6 year old in me
used to sleeping alone
to comfort the 26 year old me who's so tired of ending up that way

© Crowthepoet