

Siblings are like lights,
They make our world so colourful and bright.
I know sometimes they're horrible,
but ok! that's alright.

Life seems to to be so interesting by their presence,
as they sprinkle a different kind of essence.
Mostly they're same in in appearance,
and of course! sometimes out of tolerance.

Siblings are like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that's alright.

However, you'll have to share all the love and affection of your parents,
but no problem, you can also share each other's garments.
It is true that they're god given presents,
but sometimes they're of different fragrance.

Siblings are like_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that's alright.

They're the most important aspects of our lives,
Without them how can one survive!?
They're present in all your miseries and joys,
and also your favourite person when it comes to sharing toys.

Siblings are like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that's alright.

Teasing each other by calling idiot, psycho and even buffalo,
and yaa... they're just like scarecrows,
who never lets problems in your lives grow.
More the laughter with them,
Tighter the bond with them.
The one with whom we argue a lot,
are the ones in our lives whom we value a lot!

Siblings are like lights,
they make our world so "colourful and bright" .

Shout-out to all the lovely siblings out there. :)
(I am an only child btw lol)