

Yearning Echoes
I yearned to see you,
But it's like you were an eyesore,
But I can't help, but long for you,
Long to have you in my arms,
Hold you tight against me
Never let you go,
Smell your scent like the needed air,
It's like the air is being kicked out
Of my lungs when not near you,
The feeling of longing gets deeper and deeper,
It causes a stinging pain in my chest,
A deep hole in my heart,
And darkness fills me because you took
My light with you,
My eyes surely display longing,
Longing for you,
For your love and care,
To be in your arms, holding you tight
Against me,
I wish you could demolish this feeling
And fill the void of longing with your presence.
But I know you will never be mine,
So why do I have to bother?
I always ask myself that question,
But I could never get an answer;
Because u never belonged to me and you never will.
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