

Death To America
Death to America
Death to America
This is what I hear
Some ingrates
Some losers
Who use the the freedom we offer
Every day
Death to America
Why because you can’t have five wives
Why because you can’t have your way
Why because you aren’t really men
Why because we don’t allow you to beat your woman
Why because we won’t let you kill alll Jews
Why do you think you can chant
Death to America
Do you think will we allow you
Do you think you are strong enough
Know you will never kill us
Know you only live because we allowed you too
We could have finished you year ago
In your own world
Your home
In front of your own people
Instead we allowed your weak
People to come here
We allow you to live
We allowed You
Now you call for our Death
No we will never die
But you will never live if you try
Death to America
We will never allow it
You can fool the young fools
With the red hands
Of the blood of innocent solders you lynched
Or your chants to the river to sea
Call for genocide of a nation
But we who were there
We who were in the deserts
Remember how cowardly you fought
How unmanly you were
How you raped and killed innocent women and children
We know how truly weak you are
How morally corrupt you are
We know
We truly know how ungodly you are

© Robert prezioso