

find a wife
He found me
In the middle of
The earth….
Somewhere not in
Coffee shop nor
Grocery stores
Not even at a park…
He found me
In unknown location
A strange place
Where I’m lost
Don’t know the
And yet he ends up
Findin me
Does he know this place?
How did he find me?
I guess it doesn’t matter
Cos my soul are full of butterflies…
He looks for me..
Am I his wife?
Am I a good thing?

He gazes at me
Like he has found his peace…
Maybe I shouldn’t question
His findings, the artifacts of
Of his beatin heart…he dug up
The cities, the towns every land
On the planet

Have you ever heard this
He who finds a wife
A good thing
Proverbs 18:22…

I don’t read the Bible
Yet I have heard this
A million times….it’s a
Soulmates sayin

And I believe in soulmates
And twin flames
The together forever
Kind where a man and woman
Bonded together for years and years
And the love they have for each other
never dies….

I got this vibe from
A man
A man who matches my frequency
The universe knows who my heart craves for….

This quote speaks volumes
I hear that everywhere
A man shows me

He has found me
His wife….
His forever good thing….
His soul told me
He’s married to my every way
I thought to myself
He’s goin to make me blush
For the rest of my life….
My gut feelin was like
He’s the one
You’re his wife….

He has found me
In an unknown location
Where I’m just sunken
At…he found me whether the
Timin is wrong or right…
He just found me
And we fell in love…🍭🧸🫶🏾❣️😍💯©️ Kai C. 6-20-24

© Kai C..