

I was called Evil
I was in a wild game.
And though I knew how to play,I let myself get outplayed.
Now I feel weak to play anymore.
I was formerly a tree full of leaves.
And though I knew how to survive in the drought, I let my leaves wither and die.
Now I feel too dried to grow anymore.
I let the stakes become too high, and I gambled with my heart along the line.
I let them toss me around like a coin. And I was the die, dancing to every damn throw.
All these for them... but I was still called EVIL.
I offered a towel when they cried, and a hand when they fell face flat.
Only to be stoned to rejection by these same people I helped.
I was just a mere doll; picked when needed and dumped after use.
So yeah... I'm done!
And if you call me evil, you're welcome!
Don't come crying to me, I've ran out of towels,
Don't expect me to give you a hand again, I've also got personal issues,
Don't try calling my name, I'm deaf,
And don't expect those words of comfort from me, I'm dumb.
If this makes me evil, I'll gladly be your devil.
But before you run that silly hole calling me evil, do remember,
That I am that little girl you never appreciated
For stopping her growth so others could grow,
For stopping her game so others could play,
For gambling with her heart so others could make huge profits.
If you really forgot these, then it's incredibly fair that I live like I'm the only one that exists.
So incase you can't pronounce evil.
Just call me a heart with less love,
Trying to find a steady rhythm.

© eberehh